2014년 6월 26일 목요일

Who is Sagawafujii?

Sagawafujii is an eyewear brand.

But who actually is Sagawafujii? Many of you may have questions on who this man called Sagawafujii is. This article is to give you some interesting answers regarding the brand name 'Sagawafujii'. 

An ordinary Japanese man who happen to encounter a man called Sagawafujii may be little bit confused and some daring one would say 'ふざけるな!(this Japanese sentence has a pronunciation like 'Fuzakeruna' and means 'Are you kidding me?')  Well to such ordinary Japanese people the word 'Sagawafujii' sounds quite weird. It is because the word 'Sagawafujii' is not a name for one real person but the combination of two surnames from different personalities.

A Japanese designer Ichikawa Takahide, who worked as a leading designer in leather workshops in Japan, is the origin of the eyeglasses frames' brand 'Sagawafujii'. And the workshops he worked for had the names 'Sagawa' and 'Fujii'. The work of intentional scratches on the glasses frames of some models of Sagawafujii is from one of his ideas gained during his leather works period. He liked the beauties of nature, so wanted to make his works be more like the nature. His eyewears are the result of his long time contemplation on the true beauty of the nature. Wood as materials for his eyeglasses pieces he chose, as he thought that wood could reveal the beauty of the nature he wanted to express, and his choice seems until now quite successful. With peerless wooden temples (the word 'temples' means the arms of eyeglasses) Sagawafujii's eyewears are all unique. No pairs on earth have the same patterns of colors or shapes of grains. Like any other living creatures Sagawafujii's wooden temples get old when used. And change their colors.

Darkened temples of eyeglasses reflects the times it get through.  They are covered with dirt and seem to have lost all the praiseworthy beauties that they once had. However there are surely another beauties under the layer of dirts and darkness. Polished old temples show distinctive colors of nature that has been concealed. And that is one reason why Ichikawa chose wood to make his eyeglasses frames. The scratches on the surfaces of eyeglasses make them look like genuine wood pieces. People like this scratches. Many chose scrached eyeglasses than glossy ones. Probably they had some sympathy for the beauties of nature. Ichikawa's scratches(these are called as 'wooden texture') aroused broad sympathy from many enthusiasts of nature. It is undoubted fact that followed by the ebony and rose wooden temples, this wooden texture allowed Sagawafujii some popularity in the markets of eyeglasses frames.  And then some people who don't have any relation with Ichikawa or Sagawafujii began to pretend Sagawafujii.

For foreign customers Sagawafujii's website www.sagawafujii.com is the only option to purchase the eyeglasses.  The photo of a woman wearing wooden glasses is so famous among people who bought the Sagawafujii and posted on the said website of authentic Sagawafujii. 

This woman is said to explain many ideas of the brand. Brushed hairs, white-powdered face and rouged lips are apparent evidences of a date.  And she wears spectacles not to see her boy friend well but to be seen as a beautiful woman by him. The spectacles bring her back to the pre-industrial times, when no one has cellphones and had to write letters to tell one's feeling to another in the distance. The wooden temples(the arms of eyeglasses) doesn't seem to be optional. They seem to be chosen to make the eyeglasses because the nowadays plastics are not attainable. Sagawafujii might yearn for such times when people had more chance of meeting each other face to face and more chance of savoring the beauties of nature. That is the Sagawafujii, and that is the idea of Ichikawa Takahide.

Sagawafujii's glasses are all unique just like you