Quite strange it is to say, however there are two different eyewear companies that use one brand name in common.
TheCraft co.,ltd has the right of exclusive use of the trademark "SAGAWAFUJII" Wooden Eyewear. This brand as this Blog mentioned before, has its origin in a Japanese designer Ichikawa Takahide and his leather workshop. His idea enabled wood patterned eyewear frames, and because of his preference for the mother nature, evolved SAGAWAFUJII to an eyewear brand that makes its eyewear pieces with rose wood and ebony.
The trademark SAGAWAFUJII is registered in about 20 countries all over the world including Japan, USA, European Union, South Korea and even in China. After a period of business cooperation the trademark came to be owned by Ichikawa Takahide's partner company TheCraft co.,ltd's CEO in South Korea.
And one other brand that uses SAGAWAFUJII is a company in China. I don't know who builds these eyeglasses and since when, but this brand seems to have been rampant in the market of China. You can easily find them out by typing in 佐川藤井 into the search box of www.taobao.com, one of the most famous on-line market in China. These eyeglasses have no trademark SAGAWAFUJII on them, but the Chinese characters 佐川藤井 on them. However they are introduced as SAGAWAFUJII.
In fact the Chinese characters 佐川藤井 could be pronounced as SAGAWAFUJII in Japan. Nevertheless 佐川藤井 itself is not SAGAWAFUJII in its appearance. But they introduce the eyeglasses 佐川藤井 as SAGAWAFUJII in the internet.
I happened to achieve one eyeglasses of 佐川藤井. And I have some pairs of real SAGAWAFUJIIs. So took some photos of them.

These two eyewears are SAGAWAFUJII and 佐川藤井. Can you guess which one is SAGAWAFUJII, and which one is 佐川藤井?
Round framed one on the left is called 'maru b-1'. Made by TheCraft co.,ltd and have the trademark SAGAWAFUJII and the name of designer Ichikawa Takahide on its inner temple.

<maru b-2 of SAGAWAFUJII made by TheCraft co.,ltd>
The one on the right has the trademark 佐川藤井 on its temple and its model number 7113D on its temples.

<7113D of 佐川藤井 made by unknown company in China>
I can't rush into saying directly which one between SAGAWAFUJII and 佐川藤井 is better in designs and durability. Senses of beauty can not be same for people and I've never used 佐川藤井 yet. One thing I can say for sure is that 佐川藤井 is not SAGAWAFUJII and they try to introduce themselves as SAGAWAFUJII.
Quite shallow it is.