Capsule tradeshow is one of the most famous fashion shows in the world. Thousands of people all around the world gather to see the latest trends of fashion items. This time it opened it's venue at the Basketball city in New York.
Since the launch of the show in 2007 it provided many 'innovative fashion designers' of the world the channel through that they can find the 'best retailers and influential fashion editors'.
Capsule venue's entrance. The Show began at 10:00 AM, and as it is before the opening it looks little bit quiet and calm.
Sagawafujii's booth. About 80 kinds of glasses and sunglasses were displayed at the booth. It is still before the opening. Taking photos at the show was strictly forbidden, especially photography of another brands. So we had to take these pictures while there were no visitors not to make trouble or any inconvenience to the people of neighboring brands.
Did I said how many glasses we brought to the capsule show? Oh, yes, about 80 kinds of glasses.
Actually we had a big trouble at an airport, that is to say, we almost lost all our items at the airport. Our products were missing for 24 hours, we couldn't find them anywhere at the cargo of the airport. We found them at the end but some of our glasses were still missing. We took the plane with exactly 80 items but we displayed them with some of the items missing.
Capsule introduced sagawafujii's sunglasses f2757 103, what a kind editor capsule is! However one thing to be corrected is the explanation under the photo. It says that sagawafujii's drawing inspiration was from ancient wooden temples, but there is no relationship between the ancient temples and our products. The legs of eyeglasses are usually called temples, and many of sagawafujii's temples are made of wood, so we emphasized sagawafujiis temples(glasses legs). There must be some misunderstanding between Capsule and Sagawafujii. Still it is a great pleasure to us that our glasses were indroduced at the main page of the capsule show.
This is an invitation file for the show. Sagawafujii's logo is put at the center.
We had a really nice experience at the Capsule show, nice people, various kinds of fashion items, we could get the information of latest fashion trends of the world. Next time capsule opens 4th venue of 2014 shows at Las Vegas through 12 - 14 september. Hope you join and see the latest trends of world fashion too!

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